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In this project we created a personalized plan of the complete cost of college. We looked at the rising cost in interest and how that would affect the costs along with different payment plans. I chose to look at Fort Lewis College and Denver University. The price for all education costs and four years at Fort Lewis would be 62,390 dollars and the cost for four years at Denver University would be 228,325 dollars. 

The Price of College

To see the charts and graphs that represent this data, please go to .

College Debt​

In this project, I calculated how much debt I would obtain if I were to attend Boston School of Medicine for four years. I also attempted to outsmart the system by seeing how much money I could save each month, and how much that would be at the end of my four years along with interest. Through this project I learned that, even with saving, I will still be in debt nearly 150,000 dollars.


To see my Prezi presentation, please go to:

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